We had half a day on Thurs. Mike came and picked Koty up from school. I had to stay for meetings and such. I ran to Joplin afterward to get the last of Koty's bday pressies. Once I got home and got dinner under control I started straightening up and doing laundry in preparation for our company that was coming Friday night and Koty's bday party next week. Ended up talking to my BFF for 2 1/2 hours as well. It was good to catch up.
Friday we were out of school so grocery shopping and more cleaning. Our friends got here just in time for dinner. We had tacos w/ all the fixin's. Lots of sitting around and BSing. Stayed up WAY too late but it was well worth it.
Up early(ish) on Sat. to get around and head to OK to see the fam. Went to Mema and Pepa's first for collaborative bdays (celebrated 5 bdays and one birth) and lunch. Mema's sketti!!!! YUM!! I finally got to meet Troy! Then we went to see Honey and Fred. Visited w/ them for a while and dropped in on Kami before we headed out of town.
Decided to stop in Vinita to have some McD's cuz it was 8 p.m. and we hadn't eaten yet. Mr. Slow Poke Jim took almost an hr to eat his 6 nuggets and small fries so here I was w/ an hr left to drive at 9 o'clock at night working off 4 hrs of sleep. Not the best combination but we did make it safe and sound.
While in OK, Koty got some birthday money and he decided to spend some on a Betta fish. He's been wanting one for a while and when the lil goldfish he got at the carnival died, he decided that he wanted a betta as a replacement when I suggested that he could buy another fish with his birthday money. So, today we ended up in Joplin at Petsmart since our pet store in Neosho isn't open on Sun. or Mon. We also visited Best Buy, the mall, and Game Exchange before we got the fish. He has named him "Abetta". I will post pictures once we get him settled in the tank.
So there's my weekend in a nutshell. Next weekend will be just as crazy!!