Tuesday, April 14, 2009

More Surprises!

Krispy just called this afternoon to tell me that they are getting re-assigned in July and will be moving closer!! I'm so excited! It will still be about an 8-9 hr trip but that's TONS better than 20 hrs. They will also only be about 6 hrs from my mom, who is only 4 hrs from me, so when they go there to visit we can hop down and visit too!!

Koty is doing really well on his 2.9 book. I think there have maybe been 5 words so far that I've had to either help him with or make him stop and go back to look at it. He's doing so well and I just can't say enough about it. I'm an avid reader and hope that his early success in reading will instill that same feeling in him. I am PRAYING though that AR reading in school doesn't discourage him. Nothing like taking all the joy out of reading knowing that you have to take a test over every book you read.

1 comment:

  1. This is the first time in a couple of weeks I have been on. There has been soooo much going on. Seem to spend too much time on myspace and facebook. I am so proud of Koty! I hope he continues to love to read. I still think that is why you and Krispy did so well in school.
    As you know I am also very excited about Krispy's new baby and her upcomming move. I am really happy not to have to fly to go see her.
