Sunday, April 19, 2009

Ok a lil skeptical

I've been looking on the AR site to get the reading level of the books that Koty has been reading. I do this simply because it's a easy way to see and I know that's how the books in our library are leveled. The book he had this weekend is called "Too Many Babas". According to renlearn (the AR site) it's a 4.0 book!! It's marked as low grade level for interest but the reading of it is 4th grade. WTH?!?!? This is in the Kindergarten curriculum. NUTS!!! It is in the extending part but still, isn't that a bit much? Koty did read it but stumbled a lot more than normal. We had words like delicious, measured, spicy, character, and not to mention the names: Baba Edis, Basha, Yetta, Molka.

On another note...I think he's growing. He's about to eat me out of house and home. He's eaten 4 bowls of Reece's Puff, 2 bags of popcorn and 2 pancakes so far today.

1 comment:

  1. It takes a lot of food to make so much brain power.He is doing so good.
