Sunday, April 12, 2009

Well well well....

I've always loved kids. That's one reason I became a teacher. I have 3 younger siblings. Two of which I had quite the hand in raising. (I've also been blessed w/ 2 sisters in law.) I've always wanted to be a mother and so I am. I have a stepdaughter and a son who are most of my world. I also have always wanted to be an aunt. The kind of aunt that picks up her nieces and nephews and keeps them for sleepovers and takes them places. I have also been blessed in that area. I wanted nieces and nephews and now I have them. Seven of them to be exact and I found out TODAY that I have another on the way!! Unfortunately 3 of them (and the new one) live quite a ways away from me and I don't get to see them as often as I'd like. And whenever my brother decides to add to the mix, he is also a ways away. But still, I have them. I grew up with lots of cousins and am so fortunate that my children will be able to experience that as well. Lanni rolls her eyes every time I mention another one coming into the family but I know that some day she'll look back and be appreciative of the family and support she has.

I would personally love another child but I'm not sure that's in the stars for me. So to my siblings and siblings in law, I say, "Keep them coming! If I can't have them myself I'll live vicariously and just spoil yours!!!"

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